Attention: We do not provide services and support to players of the russian terrorist state and all who support russia. Go fuck yourself.

Harmony Options (Gold)

Harmony Options (Gold)
How to Upgrade
To upgrade your item simply drag and drop your Jewel of Harmony over it. There is a chance of failing where you will lose your jewel. When the upgrading succeeds the item will be bound to you and you will not be able to sell or trade it until you remove the option (in Aida). To increase the level of the option use Low/High Refining Stones.
Weapon Options
Min Damage Increase234567911121415161720
Max Damage Increase3456781012141720232629
Required STR Decrease68101214162023262932353740
Required AGI Decrease68101214162023262932353740
Attack dmg inc (min, max)      7891112141619
Critical Damage inc      1214161820222430
Skill Damage Increase         1214161822
Attack Rate Inc (PvP)         5791114
SD Increase rate (%)         357910
SD Ignore rate (%)             10
Staff Options
Increase Wizardry Damage68101214161718192123252731
Required STR Decrease68101214162023262932353740
Required AGI Decrease68101214162023262932353740
Skill Damage Increase      710131619222530
Critical Damage Increase      1012141618202228
Attack Rate Inc (PvP)         5791114
SD Increase rate (%)         4681013
SD Ignore rate (%)             15
Armory Options
Incrase Defense3456781012141618202225
Maximum AG Inc   4681012141618202225
Maximum HP Inc   79111315171921232530
HP recovery rate (%)      12345678
MP recovery rate (%)         12345
Defense rate inc (PvP)         34568
Damage Decrease Rate (%)         34567
SD Damage Absorb (%)             5

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Night Fairy