Quest | Monsters | Count | Reward |
1 | Spiders | 10 | Basic excelent sword/bow/staff +13 +skill +luck +options for 2 days |
2 | Skeletons | 50 | Basic Exc helm +7 +luck +options for 2 days |
3 | Larvas | 50 | Basic Exc armor +7 +luck +options for 2 days |
4 | Worms | 100 | Basic Exc pants +7 +luck +options for 2 days |
5 | Ice Monsters | 200 | Basic Exc gloves +7 +luck +options for 2 days |
6 | Hommerds | 200 | Basic Exc boots +7 +luck +options for 2 days |
7 | Assasins | 200 | Golden medal |
8 | Yeties | 500 | Golden medal |
9 | Cyclops | 10 | Golden medal |
10 | Elite Yeties | 1000 | Golden medal |
11 | Death Bone (Skeleton Invasion) | 1 | Golden medal |
12 | Hell Spiders | 200 | Golden medal |
13 | Hell Hounds | 200 | Golden medal |
14 | Chief Skeleton Warriors | 200 | Golden medal |
15 | Dark Knights | 500 | Golden medal |
16 | Thunder Lichs | 500 | Golden medal |
17 | Poison Bull Fighters | 1000 | Golden medal |
18 | Shadows | 1000 | Box of Luck |
19 | Poison Shadows | 1000 | Box of Luck |
20 | Bahamuts | 1000 | Jewel of Chaos |
21 | Vepars | 1000 | Jewel of Chaos |
22 | Cursed Wizards | 2000 | Wings Talisman |
23 | Death Cows | 2000 | Box of Luck |
24 | Valkyries | 2000 | Box of Luck |
25 | Devils | 2000 | Box of Luck |
26 | Death Knights | 2000 | Box of Luck |
27 | Death Gorgons | 2000 | Box of Luck |
28 | Great Bahamuts | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
29 | Silver Valkyries | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
30 | Lizard Kings | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
31 | Death Trees | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
32 | Mutants | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
33 | Forest Orcs | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
34 | Bloody Wolfs | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
35 | Death Riders | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
36 | Alquamoses | 5000 | Box of Kundun +1 |
37 | Mega Crusts | 5000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
38 | Iron Wheels | 5000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
39 | Queen Rainiers | 5000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
40 | Tantaloses | 10000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
41 | Blue Golems | 10000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
42 | Alpha Crusts | 10000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
43 | Beam Knights | 10000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
44 | Witch Queens | 10000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
45 | Drakans | 10000 | Box of Kundun +2 |
46 | Ice Queen (Mini-boss) | 1 | Jewel of Excellent |
47 | Gorgon (Mini-boss) | 1 | Jewel of Excellent |
48 | Balrog (Mini-boss) | 1 | Jewel of Excellent |
49 | Hydra (Mini-boss) | 1 | Jewel of Excellent |
50 | Splinter Wolfs | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
51 | Iron Riders | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
52 | Satyroses | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
53 | Blade Hunters | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
54 | Kentauroses | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
55 | Gigantises | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
56 | Berserkers | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
57 | Genociders | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
58 | Twin Tales | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
59 | Personas | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
60 | Dreadfears | 10000 | Box of Kundun +3 |
61 | Nightmare (Boss) | 1 | Box of Kundun +3 |
62 | Ogre Archers | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
63 | Giant Ogres | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
64 | Hero Mutants | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
65 | Gigas Golems | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
66 | Necrons | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
67 | Death Angels | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
68 | Chaos Castle Warriors | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
69 | Lizard Warriors | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
70 | Great Drakans | 1000 | Box of Kundun +4 |
71 | Dark Skull Soldiers | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
72 | Magic Skeletons | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
73 | Metal Balrogs | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
74 | Phanton Knights | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
75 | Chief Skeleton Archers | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
76 | Chief Skeleton Warriors | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
77 | Schrikers | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
78 | Red Skeleton Knights | 1000 | Box of Kundun +5 |
79 | Hammer Scouts | 100 | Box of Kundun +5 |
80 | Lance Scouts | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
81 | Bow Scouts | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
82 | Werewolfs | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
83 | Scouts (Heros) | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
84 | Werewolfs (Heros) | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
85 | Balrams | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
86 | Sorams | 100 | Jewel of Excellent |
87 | Red Dragons | 3 | 2.5 Wings part fro craft (by classes) |
88 | Golden Titans | 3 | Pet Egg |
89 | Golden Vepars | 3 | 1st Lucky Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots Ticket |
90 | Golden Wheels | 3 | 1st Lucky Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots Ticket |
91 | Berserker Warriors | 1000 | Jewel of Excellent |
92 | Kentauros Warriors | 1000 | Jewel of Excellent |
93 | Gigantis Warriors | 1000 | Jewel of Excellent |
94 | Genocider Warriors | 1000 | Jewel of Excellent |