Information about boxes
Useful information about boxes
Box of Luck
Monsters: | Golden Budge Dragon |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items: | Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Storm Crow, Light Plate, Demonic, Sacred items |
Special items: | Box of Kundun +1 – +2 |
Star of Christmas
Monsters: | All monsters (December 1 to February 28) |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Christmas Tree Pet, Snowman Pet, Transfer Christmas Ring, Snowman Transformation Ring |
Special items: | Exc Ring of Ice +0 – +15, Exc Pendant of Ice +0 – +15 |
Drop only in the period from December to February
Heart of Love
Monsters: | All monsters |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items: | Kris, Short Sword, Rapier, Katana, Double Axe, Skull Staff, Light Spear, Spear, Dragon Lance, Short Bow, Bow, Elven Bow, Angelic Staff, Serpent Staff, Small Shield, Horn Shield, Kite Shield, Elven Shield, Sword of Assassin, Blade, Gladius, Falchion, Tomahawk, Elven Axe, Battle Axe, Nikea Axe, Larkan Axe, Crystal Morning Star, Elemental Mace, Giant Trident, Serpent Spear, Double Poleaxe, Halberd, Berdysh, Battle Bow, Golden Crossbow, Arquebus |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Silver Medal |
Level Items +4 - +9 +Skil +Luck +Option
Silver Medal
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 1 – 46 |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items: | Leather, Bronze, Pad, Vine, Wind, Silk set items |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Golden Medal |
Level Items +4 - +9 +Luck +Option
Golden Medal
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 47 – 150 |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items: | Brass, Plate, Bone, Sphinx, Scale, Spirit set items |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Box of Heaven |
Level Items +4 - +9 +Luck +Option
Box of Heaven
Monsters: | All monsters |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items: | Dark Breaker, Thunder Blade, Shining Scepter, Great Reign Crossbow, Dragon Soul Staff |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation |
Level Items +6 - +9 +Skill +Luck +Option
Red Ribbon Box
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 1 – 46 |
Item drop rate: | 50% |
Items: | Kalima ticket 1-3, Devil Square ticket 1-2, Blood Castle ticket 1-3 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life |
50% get 2 000 000 Zen
Green Ribbon Box
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 47 – 100 |
Item drop rate: | 40% |
Items: | Kalima ticket 4-6, Devil Square ticket 3-4, Blood Castle ticket 4-6 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation, Talisman of Item Protection, Loch’s Feather, Crest of Monarch |
40% get 4 000 000 Zen
Blue Ribbon Box
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 100 – 150 |
Item drop rate: | 30% |
Items: | Kalima ticket 7, Devil Square ticket 5-6, Blood Castle ticket 7 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation, Talisman of Item Protection, Loch’s Feather, Crest of Monarch |
70% get 10 000 000 Zen
Pink Chocolate Box
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 80 – 100 |
Item drop rate: | 40% |
Items: | Exc Ring & Pendants (up to +15, +Luck & 1 Option), Chaos Weapons (op to +15 +Skill. +Luck) |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Chaos, |
60% get 5 000 000 Zen
Red Chocolate Box
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 101 – 120 |
Item drop rate: | 30% |
Items: | Exc Ring & Pendants (up to +15, +Luck & 2 Options) |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone |
70% get 5 000 000 Zen
Blue Chocolate Box
Monsters: | Drop from monster level 121 – 150 |
Item drop rate: | 20% |
Items: | Exc Ring & Pendants (up to +15, +Luck & 3-4 Options) |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone, Jewel of Harmony, Jewel of Guardian |
80% get 10 000 000 Zen
Box of Kundun +1
Monsters: | Drop on Golden Invasion event |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Weapons | Kris, Short Sword, Rapier,, Katana, Double Axe, Skull Staff, Light Spear, Spear, Dragon Lance, Short Bow, Bow, Elven Bow, Angelic Staff, Serpent Staff, Small Shield, Horn Shield, Kite Shield, Elven Shield |
Sets: | Leather, Pad, Vine, Wind, Bronze |
All items +Luck +Skill Up to 4 Exc Options
Box of Kundun +2
Monsters: | Drop on Golden Invasion event |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Weapons: | Sword of Assassin, Blade, Gladius, Falchion, Tomahawk, Elven Axe, Battle Axe, Nikea Axe, Larkan Axe, Crystal Morning Star, Elemental Mace, Battle Scepter, Master Scepter, Giant Trident, Serpent Spear, Double Poleaxe, Halberd, Berdysh, Battle Bow, Golden Crossbow, Arquebus |
Sets: | Brass, Plate, Sphinx, Spirit, Bone, Scale |
All items +Luck +Skill Up to 4 Exc Options
Box of Kundun +3
Monsters: | Drop on Golden Invasion event |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Weapons: | Lighting Sword, Sword of Destruction, Crystal Sword, Rune Blade, Crystal Morning Star, Legendary Staff, Bill of Balrog, Staff of Resurrection, Staff of Destruction, Silver Bow, Master Scepter, Great Scepter, Aquagold Crossbow, Saint Crossbow, Pendant of Fire, Pendant of Lighting, Pendant of Ice, Pendant of Wind, Pendant of Water, Pendant of Ability, Ring of Ice, Ring of Poison, Ring of Fire, Ring of Earth, Ring of Wind, Ring of Magic, Dragon Slayer Shield, Legendary Shield, Serpent Shield |
Sets: | Ashcrow, Eclipse, Iris, Storm Crow, Adamantine, Light Plate, Black Dragon |
All items +Luck +Skill Up to 4 Exc Options
Box of Kundun +4
Monsters: | Drop on Golden Invasion event |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Weapons: | Sword of Destruction, Dark Breaker, Thunder Blade, Dragon Soul Staff, Shining Scepter, Celestial Bow, Dragon Shield, Elemental Shield, Grand Soul Shield |
Sets: | Dark Phoenix, Grand Soul, Holy Spirit, Ancient, Dark Steel, Thunder Hawk |
All items +Luck +Skill Up to 4 Exc Options
Box of Kundun +5
Monsters: | Drop on Golden Invasion event |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Weapons: | Knight Blade, Dark Reign Blade, Great Lord Scepter, Dragon Spear, Daybreak, Great Reign Crossbow, Arrow Viper Bow, Staff of Kundun |
Sets: | Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Hurricane, Dark Master |
All items +Luck +Skill Up to 4 Exc Options
Information about invasion bosses
Useful information about drop from monsters invasions & bosses
Skeleton King
Locations: | Locations: |
Item drop rate: | 100% |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Exc Great Scythe, Elite Transfer Skeleton Ring, Skeleton Transformation Ring, Skeleton Pet |
White Wizard
Locations: | Lorencia, Noria, Devias |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x) |
Ice Queen
Locations: | Devias |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Ruby Ring |
Locations: | Dungeon 3 |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x) |
Locations: | Lost Tower 7 |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x) |
Locations: | Tarkan 2 |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Ruby Ring |
Red Dragon
Locations: | Lorencia |
Item drop rate: | 50% or 10 000 000 Zen |
Items drop count: | 1 |
Special items: | Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, MUUN Pet Egg |
Locations: | Kalima 7 |
Items drop count: | 2 |
Special items: | Ancient Items |
Locations: | Loren Deep |
Items drop count: | 2 |
Special items: | Ancient Items |