One of the strongest warriors in the Continent of MU, the Archangel, has secretly been watching the lands he has sworn to protect. As Kundun’s presence approaches, the Archangel has been warding off all the monsters trying to invade the Continent of MU. But alas, our Guardian Archangel can not fend on his own forever.
Kundun Army has invaded his Castle and has overcome the strength of the Archangel.
The Archangel, injured and in peril, summons the warriors of MU to aid him in his most dire time of need. Unable to call his strengths without his Divine Weapon of Archangel, you have been asked to infiltrate this now over-ridden Castle and retrieve his weapon for him.
Fight thru the bridge and gain entrance into the Castle.
Being the first to retrieve the Divine Weapon of the Archangel and return it to him will complete the event. With the Cloak of Invisibility, you will be allowed onto the castle grounds. Will you be able to infiltrate the Castle and retrieve what is needed without fear?
When you successfully create the Cloak of Invisibility, you may use it to enter the Blood Castle. For example, to Create the Cloak of Invisibility, you must combine a Scroll of Archangel and a Blood Bone of the same levels.
You will need the cloak level that matches the Blood Castle level you will be entering.
How to Gain Entry to Blood Castle
Chaos Goblin recipe, time to entry to the event, and requirements
The Blood Castle ticket is the Invisibility Cloak, created in a Chaos Goblin Machine. To make it, you will need Archangel Scroll, Blood Bone (all of them must be of the same level), and one Jewel of Chaos. All this is combined with different luck probabilities and requires a certain amount of Zen.
Items | Drop from |
Scroll of Archangel +1 & Blood Bone +1 | Monsters level 1-100 |
Scroll of Archangel +2 & Blood Bone +2 | Monsters level 101-200 |
Scroll of Archangel +3 & Blood Bone +3 | Monsters level 201-300 |
Scroll of Archangel +4 & Blood Bone +4 | Monsters level 301-400 |
Scroll of Archangel +5 & Blood Bone +5 | Monsters level 401-500 |
Scroll of Archangel +6 & Blood Bone +6 | Monsters level 501-600 |
Scroll of Archangel +7 & Blood Bone +7 | Monsters level 601-700 |
Scroll of Archangel +7 & Blood Bone +7 | Monsters level 701-15 000 |
Blood Castle Chaos Goblin Machine Recipe

Time to enter the Blood Castle
Every 1 hour in the game, messages appears: “5,4,3,2,1 minute(s) left before entering into Blood Castle”. As soon as you see this message, do not hesitate to go with the Invisibility Cloak to the Messenger of Archangel. Talk to one of them, and a table will appear on the screen, in which you need to choose the appropriate level for your character, Blood Castle (the same level should be Invisibility Cloak in your inventory). If you do everything right, you will be taken to Blood Castle.
Blood Castle opens on
Blood Castle levels and entry requirements
Blood Castle Level | Character Level Requirements |
Blood Castle 1 | From 15 to 100 level |
Blood Castle 2 | From 101 to 200 level |
Blood Castle 3 | From 201 to 300 level |
Blood Castle 4 | From 301 to 400 level |
Blood Castle 5 | From 401 to 6000 level |
Blood Castle 6 | From 601 to 800 level |
Blood Castle 7 | From 801 to 1000 level |
Blood Castle 7 | Master level only |

- The warping command will work in Blood Castle.
- Only a maximum of 10 players are allowed per each Blood Castle level
- If you die in Blood Castle, you will not lose experience, zen, or items.
- Specific buffs skills can be used in the safety zone of Blood Castle (Attack/Defense buff, Heal, Soul Barrier…)
After teleporting to Blood Castle, talk to the wounded angel. He will tell you the story of his fall and the next coming of the monsters that you will have to defeat. The fallen angel will set you a goal-to return his holy weapon and take revenge on the monsters.
Battle Guide
Stage 1
You are given 15 minutes for the entire quest. First, you will find yourself on a seemingly endless bridge, where you will need to kill a certain number of monsters (for one MU Online player, there are 40 monsters, for two – 80, etc.).

Stage 2
After killing monsters and crossing the bridge to the castle gate, you will need to break the gate.

Stage 3
Once inside the castle, the first step is to kill Magic Skeletons (for one MuOnline player, there are 2 sorcerers, for two players – 4, etc.).

Stage 4
After dealing with the sorcerers, a crystal statue will appear in the hands of the angel’s weapon. The figure needs to be broken.

Pick up one of the weapons, return to the angel, and simultaneously fight off monsters. Now you need to give the weapon to the owner.

The quest is completed! And you get a reward.
Blood Castle Rewards
Blood Castle Level | Reward |
Blood Castle 1 | 2x Gemstone |
Blood Castle 2 | Divine Sword/Staff/Crossbow/Stick/Scepter of Archangel |
Blood Castle 3 | Exc Divine Sword/Staff/Crossbow/Stick/Scepter of Archangel (Chance: 50%) or 10kk Zen |
Blood Castle 4 | Full Exc Divine Sword/Staff/Crossbow/Stick/Scepter of Archangel (Chance: 10%) or 10kk Zen |
Blood Castle 5 | Blessed Divine Sword/Claw/Staff/Stick/Crossbow/Scepter of Archangel (Chance: 50%) or 10kk Zen |
Blood Castle 6 | Exc Blessed Divine Sword/Claw/Staff/Stick/Crossbow/Scepter of Archangel (Chance: 50%) or 10kk Zen |
Blood Castle 7 | Full Exc Blessed Divine Sword/Claw/Staff/Stick/Crossbow/Scepter of Archangel (Chance: 10%) or 10kk Zen |
Blood Castle 8 | Full Exc Blessed Divine Sword/Claw/Staff/Stick/Crossbow/Scepter of Archangel (Chance: 30%) or 100kk Zen |
In addition, you will receive 100 hunter points (RUUD) for each completion of the BC.